Perple_X input files involve numerous linear functions of pressure and temperature (e.g., Margules parameters, van Laar size terms, DQF corrections, and enthalpy of ordering) of the general form: f = c_0 + c_T * T + c_P * P Prior to the 6.7.3 version of Perple_X, when the coefficients were read, all three coefficients were entered as in: c_0 c_T c_P [DQF corrections in the thermodynamic data file make definitions] DQF(A) = c_0 c_T c_P [DQF corrections in the solution model file] W(A B) c_0 c_T c_P [Margules parameters in the solution model file] a(A) c_0 c_T c_P [van Laar size terms in the solution model file] ... enthalpy = c_0 [enthalpy of ordering in the solution model file] The 6.7.3 version of Perple_X reads these formats, but allows a more flexible format in which c_T and c_P can be omitted if zero and tags are used to identify the coefficients (meaning that users no longer need to remember the order in which the c_T and c_P coefficients are entered; additional tags (e.g., '=' and '*') are also allowed. The general format is (all on one line): [name_tag] [=] c_0 [ [+/-] c_i [*] coefficient_tag] where brackets indicate optional components and: +/- indicates a plus or minus sign; the name_tag is prescribed for Margules parameters (e.g., W(A B)), van Laar size terms (e.g., a(A) and DQF corrections in the solution model file (e.g., DQF(A)); the = tag is mandatory for enthalpy of ordering expressions; and the coefficient c_0 is mandatory in all input, but, of course, may be zero; the coefficient tags must be < 9 characters and begin with an upper or lower case T for the temperature coefficient. The coefficients may be rational numbers (a) or fractions (a/b). The text interpreter is fairly robust, but to be safe include a blank space before +/- signs and after name and coefficient tags. Examples of valid DQF function expressions in thermodynamic data file make definitions: 12d3 -0.14 1. DQF(J/mol) = 0 DQF 1/2 -1*T_K fudge_factor = 3 + 4*Pbar Prior to the 6.7.3 the enthalpy of ordering term in solution models was assumed to be a constant (c_0), it is now allowed linear pressure-temperature dependence.