1) Go to www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/ibm_and_mac_archives, download www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/ibm_and_mac_archives/Perple_X_MatLab_scripts.zip Extract the files to your Perple_X directory. ------------------------------------- The MatLab scripts included in the archive demonstrate how 2 and 3D data generated by the Perple_X programs WERAMI, FRENDLY, and FLUIDS can be manipulated or plotted in MatLab. The scripts are: perple_x_plot.m - plots 2/3D data images. perple_x_simple_plot.m - plots 2/3D data images, but assumes default independent variables. perple_x_plot_ratio_of_data_in_2_files.m - plots the ratio of 3D data stored in two different files. perple_x_extract_o_bat.m - a program to extract the X-Y coordinates of an X-Y-Z contour, e.g., an adiabatic or isochoric path as a function of pressure and temperature. pt_2_vs.m - switch independent and dependent variables for 3D data, to be updated. The above scripts call functions in the following function scripts, these function scripts must be in the same directory as the calling scripts. function_for_extract_o_bat.m - MatLab function to extract a contour. function_to_get_perple_x_file.m - MatLab function script to open and read Perple_X tab format files. function_for_perple_x_plots.m - MatLab function script to plot 2/3D data. To use the scripts: start MatLab, change directory to the directory containing the MatLab script, and type the script name (without the .m suffix), the rest is self-explanatory.