| comments must be preceeded by the "|" character | keywords and values MUST BE ENTERED IN LOWER CASE CHARACTERS! |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the average keyword indicates whether properties of | pseudocompounds that represent the same phase are averaged | in mode 1 output (they are always averaged in all other | werami computational modes). | this keyword may take values: on, off average on | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the composition keyword indicates whether phase | compositions are output in molar or weight proportions. | this keyword may take the values: wt, mol composition mol | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the proportion keyword indicates whether phase | proportions are output as volume, molar or weight | proportions. | this keyword may take the values: vol, wt proportions vol | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the interpolation keyword determines whether werami | does 2-d interpolation/extrapolation for gridded data. | CAUTION: interpolation may slow processing dramatically. | this keyword is associated with 2 values | the first value may be: on, off; and controls whether | interpolation is attempted | the second value is a number that indicates the | number of nodes that will be scanned for interpolation | points at the lowest grid level. increasing this number | leads to smoother plots, but may also result in erratic | behavior. | interpolation may also result in smoothing of immiscible | phase compositions. | turn interpolation off to view the raw data. | see www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_werami_options.html interpolation on 2 | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the extrapolation keyword determines whether werami | does 2-d extrapolation for gridded data when interpolation | is not possible. this keyword has no effect if the first | value of interpolation is "off" | this keyword may take the values: on, off extrapolation on | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the vrh_weighting keyword determines the weights of the | arithemtic mean (value) and harmonic mean (1-value) used | to compute aggregate seismic velocities | this keyword may take numeric values: 0->1 vrh_weighting .5 | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the bad_number keyword determines the value asigned to | bad numerical results (usually caused by floating point | errors). depending on the physical property of interest | it may be useful to change this value so bad results can | be distinguished during post-processing (e.g., if seismic | velocities are of interest, assigning a negative bad_number | allows identification of erroneous velocities). | this keyword may take numeric values (< 12 characters) bad_number 0. | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the solvus_tolerance keyword specifies the distance (in molar | composition space) between coexisting pseudocompounds that is | considered to define distinct phases (i.e., coexisting pseudocompounds | that are futher apart than solvus_tolerance are considered to be | distinct true phases). | CAUTION! solvus_tolerance must be greater than the pseudocompound | spacing specified for the solution models under consideration, | otherwise compositionally adjacent pseudocompounds may be identified | as distinct phases and this will generate confusing output from | WERAMI and PSVDRAW. | this keyword may take numeric values: 0->1 solvus_tolerance 0.1 | this keyword is only relevant for VERTEX |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | the zero_mode keyword specifies the value below which the molar | amount of a phase is considered to be zero. if this option is | turned on (i.e., it's numeric value is greater than zero) stable | phases present in amounts below the zero_mode value are eliminated | from the output. this option is particularly useful for fractionation | calculations as such caculations may result in degenerate compositions | (i.e., a composition in which the amount of one or more of the | components is zero). | CAUTION! because this option is currently implemented after | computations by VERTEX, PSVDRAW may draw boundaries within | a single coherent phase field. | this keyword may take numeric values: 0->1, to turn this option off | assign zero_mode a negative value. zero_mode 1e-6 | this keyword is only relevant for WERAMI/PSVDRAW |---------------------------------------------------------------------