IMPLICIT double precision (A-H,P,R-Y) character*8 names(0:7) COMMON / CST5 /PBAR,TK,XC,U1,U2,TR,PR,RJ,PS/ cst11 /fh2o,fco2 data names/'MRK ','HSMRK ','QRKMRK ','TRKMRK ', * 'CORK ','HOCGRA ','HOCMRK ','SAX-FEI '/ 10 WRITE (*,*) 'Enter P(bar), T(K), and X(CO2/O)' READ (*,*) PBAR,TK,XC IF (PBAR.EQ.0.D0) GOTO 99 WRITE (*,1010) do 20 irk = 0, 6 call props (irk,ah2o,aco2,v,vm,xco2,xh2o) write (*,1000) names(irk),fh2o,fco2,ah2o,aco2,v,vm, * xco2, xh2o 20 continue WRITE (*,*) WRITE (*,*) 'Enter three zeroes to quit' GOTO 10 1000 format (1x,a8,4(1x,g12.5),4(3x,g10.3)) 1010 format (/, ' f(H2O,BAR) f(CO2,bar) a(H2O)', * ' a(CO2) V(cm3/mol) rho(g/cm3)', * ' X(CO2) X(H2O)') 99 END BLOCK DATA C------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit double precision (A-G,O-Y) COMMON/ CST5 /P,T,XCO2,U1,U2,TR,PR,R,PS/ cst85 /PP,TT,YY,RR DATA R,RR/8.3144126D00,83.14/ END subroutine fluid (irk) c------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit double precision (a-g,o-z), integer (h-n) if (irk.eq.0) then call mrk else if (irk.eq.1) then call hsmrk else if (irk.eq.2) then call qrkmrk else if (irk.eq.3) then call trkmrk else if (irk.eq.4) then call hprk else if (irk.eq.5) then call hocgra (fo2) else if (irk.eq.6) then call hocmrk (fo2) else if (irk.eq.7) then call saxfei end if end subroutine props (irk,ah2o,aco2,v,vm,xco2,xh2o) c-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit double precision (a-g,o-z), integer (h-n) common / cst11 /fh2o,fco2/ cst26 /avol * / cst5 /pbar,tk,xc,u1,u2,tr,pr,rj,ps * / cstcoh /x(6),g(6),vol(6),isp xx = xc xh = 1. - xc xp = pbar xt = tk xco2 = xc xh2o = 1. - xco2 call fluid (irk) fmh2o = fh2o fmco2 = fco2 c if (irk>=5) coh fluids, make c other stuff undefined. if ( then xh2o = x(1) xco2 = x(2) v = avol vm = -99. ah2o = -99. aco2 = -99. fh2o = dexp(fh2o) fco2 = dexp(fco2) goto 99 end if g1 = xh*fh2o + xc*fco2 c estimate volume by finite dif pbar = pbar + 1. call fluid (irk) v = 83.14 * tk * ( xh * fh2o + xc*fco2 - g1 ) pbar = xp c get fugacities of pure fluids xc = 1. call fluid (irk) fcp = fco2 xc = 0. call fluid (irk) fhp = fh2o xc = xx ah2o = dexp (fmh2o - fhp) aco2 = dexp (fmco2 - fcp) fh2o = dexp(fmh2o) fco2 = dexp(fmco2) vm = (xh*18.015 + xc*44.00995) / v if (xc.eq.1.) then fh2o = 0. ah2o = 0. else if (xc.eq.0.) then aco2 = 0. fco2 = 0. end if 99 end function grxn (i) c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c a dummy routine to allow rk to be linked with rlib.f c-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit double precision (g) grxn = 0.d0 end