This file refers to scripts in the zip archive: the matlab scripts included here demonstrate how 3D data generated by the Perple_X program WERAMI can be plotted directly within matlab. the scripts are: surface_plot.m - plot a 3D image of the data. automatically_labeled_contour_plot.m - 2D contour plot, contours chosen and labeled by Matlab manually_labeled_contour_plot.m - 2D contour plot, contours chosen and labeled by user ratio_manually_labeled_contour_plot.m - plot ratio of values from two WERAMI output files, files must have consistent dimensions. pt_2_sv.m - a script to switch independent variables for WERAMI output. staudigel_prop_plot.m - a demo to illustrate matlab commands to put 2D features such as a geotherm onto a 3D surface as in the jpg image: metabasalt_CO2_and_water_content.jpg NOTE: Unlike the prop_plot.m script formerly included in perple_X, these scripts do not require that users convert the werami plot file using the grid_for_matlab program.