Most current graphical editors (e.g., CorelDraw, Illustrator) import the postscript output from the Perple_X programs. The following notes on Ghostscript may be useful for older applications. The program MacGS referred to here is the MacIntosh implementation of Ghostscript. You can use Ghostscript in two ways: 1) To view the output from PSVDRAW, start Ghostscript, click on the "Graphics" window, then open the ps file with the "pull-down" menu under MacGS. If you attempt to save or print an image using this utility you will get a LOW quality raster image. 2) To convert the PSVDRAW encapsulated PostScript to Adobe Illustrator format (i.e., something that you can edit in Adobe Illustrator 5.0, or Coreldraw). Do one of the following: i) On Unix or Apple: Open the file (as described above) and then open the ps file from PSVDRAW Ghostscript then automatically creates the file, which contains Adobe format PostScript. One problem with this procedure is that the file type and creator for are not specified by Ghostscript. Consequently, is invisible to most Mac applications, one way to get around this is by using ResEdit to change the file type to TEXT and the creator to whatever you want (e.g., just blanks). There are probably much better ways of doing all this, but you'll have to read the instructions to work them out. ii) On Unix issue the command: gs -q -dNODISPLAY > file.aips where is the postscript file generated by PSVDRAW, and file.aips is the adobe/corel editable file to be created. P.S. Ghostscript is in MacGS 2.5.2 Runtime. The filter is also in my graphics directory.