PSCONTOR generates a postscript contour plot of z(x,y), where z is known on a regularly spaced x-y grid. The sources for PSCONTOR are pscontor.f and pslib.f. The input plot file format consists of the following data: Card 1 - fname - title information (< 162 characters) Card 2 - ix,iy,xmin,ymin,dx,dy - ix and iy are the number of grid points in the x and y directions. xmin and ymin are the the minimum x and y values. dx and dy are the spacing of the grid points in the x and y directions. Card 3 - xname, yname - names of the x and y variables (8 chracters each, no separation). Card 4 - (z(i,j),i=1,ix),j=1,iy) the values of the potentials at the grid points (z(1,1) is at xmin, ymin).