See the printed tutorial for a program glossary (and the on-line tutorial: for a demonstration of programs WERAMI, POLYGON, PSCONTOR, PSPTS, and PT2CURV), see README.PERPLEX for compiling instructions, and program documentation for (some) technical information. To improve performance, customize the makefile options for your local environment. UNIX MAKEFILES: makefile - SUN, generic UNIX and LINUX. sgimakefile - SGI. MAIN PROGRAMS (Makefile Targets): actcor.f build.f cohsrk.f ctransf.f frendly.f ge0pt.f interpmatrix.f90 iso.f isokor.f mu_2_f.f polygon.f90 psvdraw.f pspts.f pscontor.f ps_p_contor.f pt2curv.f rk.f species.f werami.f vertex.f SUBROUTINE LIBRARIES: flib.f - subprograms for vertex, frendly, build, rk, cohsrk, iso, species, mu_2_f. nlib.f - subprograms for vertex. plib.f - subprograms for psvdraw and werami. polyf77.f - subprograms for polygon. pslib.f - subprograms for psvdraw, pspts, pscont, cohscont. rlib.f - subprograms for vertex, frendly, build, actcor, mu_2_f. tlib.f - subprograms for vertex, frendly, build, actcor, ctransf, cohsrk, isokor, iso, species, mu_2_f. INCLUDE FILE: perplex_parameters.h - defines array sizes assigned in fortran 77 programs =================================================================================