! this file contains a sample build/vertex session, comment ! lines begin with an exclamation point. ! The calculation is of a Schreinemakers P-T projection for ! the mixed-volatile system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O-CO2 for a fluid of ! variable composition (See Connolly and Trommsdorff, CMP ! 108:93-105, 1991). ! this output was generated with an old version of build ! some of the prompts may now differ. ostrich{jamie}74: build NO is the default answer to all Y/N prompts Enter the name of the input file for Vertex (i.e. the file OUTPUT by this program) < 15 characters and left justified: in8.dat Warning: open: record length ignored on sequential access Enter the thermo data file name (e.g. hp90ver.dat), < 15 characters, left justified: b89ver.dat Do you want to generate a PRINT file (Y/N)? y Do you want to generate a GRAPHICS file (Y/N)? y Enter a name for the PRINT file, <15 characters, left justified: print8.out Enter a name for the GRAPHICS file, <15 characters, left justified: plot8.out Specify the kind of phase diagram calculation: 0 - for a Composition diagram 1 - for a Schreinemakers-type diagram 3 - for a Mixed-variable diagram 1 Specify the reliability level [1-5, default is 5]: 1 - gives lowest efficiency, highest reliability 5 - gives highest efficiency, lowest reliability High values increase the probability that a curve may be only partially determined or skipped entirely. The data base components are: NA2O MGO AL2O3 SIO2 K2O CAO TIO2 FEO MNO O2 H2O CO2 Do you want to redefine them (Y/N)? Do you want to do calculations with a saturated phase (Y/N)? The phase is: FLUID Its components can be: H2O CO2 Its compositional variable is called: Y(CO2) Do you want to do calculations with saturated components (Y/N)? Do you want to treat the chemical potential of a component as an INDEPENDENT variable (Y/N)? Select remaining components from the following set: NA2O MGO AL2O3 SIO2 K2O CAO TIO2 FEO MNO O2 H2O CO2 How many additional components do you wish to consider (minimum is 2, maximum is 7)? 5 Enter component names, left justified, one per line: CAO MGO SIO2 CO2 H2O working... **warning ver016** you are going to treat a saturated (fluid) phase component as a thermodynamic component, this is probably not what you want to do. **warning ver016** you are going to treat a saturated (fluid) phase component as a thermodynamic component, this is probably not what you want to do. Do you want to exclude phases from your calculations (Y/N)? y Do you want to be prompted for phases (Y/N)? y Exclude ak (Y/N)? y Exclude ap (Y/N)? y Exclude ant (Y/N)? Exclude br (Y/N)? y Exclude cc (Y/N)? Exclude chr (Y/N)? y Exclude cs (Y/N)? y Exclude acr (Y/N)? y Exclude bcr (Y/N)? y Exclude di (Y/N)? Exclude do (Y/N)? Exclude cen (Y/N)? y Exclude en (Y/N)? Exclude pen (Y/N)? y Exclude fo (Y/N)? Exclude lm (Y/N)? y Exclude m(c&b) (Y/N)? y Exclude m(t&c) (Y/N)? Exclude m(0) (Y/N)? y Exclude mw (Y/N)? y Exclude mo (Y/N)? y Exclude per (Y/N)? y Exclude ptl (Y/N)? y Exclude q (Y/N)? Exclude bq (Y/N)? Exclude tc (Y/N)? Exclude tr (Y/N)? Exclude ltr (Y/N)? y Exclude htr (Y/N)? y Exclude wo (Y/N)? y Exclude pwo (Y/N)? y Exclude CO2 (Y/N)? Exclude CO20 (Y/N)? y Exclude H2O (Y/N)? Exclude H2O0 (Y/N)? y Exclude SiO2 (Y/N)? y Exclude MgO (Y/N)? Exclude CAO (Y/N)? Select the x-axis variable: 1 - P(bars) 2 - T(K) 2 Enter the minimum and maximum values, respectively, for: T(K) 740 940 Enter the minimum and maximum values, respectively, for: P(bars) 1500 14000 Select the equation of state for the FLUID phase 1 - MRK (DeSantis et al 1974) 2 - HSMRK (Kerrick and Jacobs 1981) 3 - Hybrid MRK-HSMRK 4 - Saxena and Fei 1987, pseudo-virial expansion 5 - Bottinga and Richet 1982, RK 6 - Holland and Powell 1990, CORK 7 - Hybrid Haar/HSMRK 2 Do you want to treat solution phases in your calculation (Y/N)? y Enter the name of the file which contains the solution models you want to use (e.g.solut.dat), left justified, < 15 characters: solut.dat Tschermaki is not a possible solution phase because of endmember hb Pyal is not a possible solution phase because of endmember py Grpy is not a possible solution phase because of endmember gr Gral is not a possible solution phase because of endmember gr Pl(i) is not a possible solution phase because of endmember ab Margarite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember pa Pl(hB) is not a possible solution phase because of endmember hab Pl(h) is not a possible solution phase because of endmember ab Jadeite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember jd cpx1 is not a possible solution phase because of endmember cats Kf(h) is not a possible solution phase because of endmember kf Ab(h) is not a possible solution phase because of endmember hab Kf is not a possible solution phase because of endmember kf Ab is not a possible solution phase because of endmember ab Kspar(h) is not a possible solution phase because of endmember kf Kspar is not a possible solution phase because of endmember kf Sanidine is not a possible solution phase because of endmember abh Omphacite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember jd chlorite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember clin biotite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember ann staurolite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember mst cordierite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember crd anthophyll is not a possible solution phase because of endmember fap tremolite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember ftr Mica is not a possible solution phase because of endmember mu Mu is not a possible solution phase because of endmember mu Pa is not a possible solution phase because of endmember pa gralad is not a possible solution phase because of endmember gr Grandite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember gr Epidote is not a possible solution phase because of endmember cz oep is not a possible solution phase because of endmember zo Opx is not a possible solution phase because of endmember fs Cpx is not a possible solution phase because of endmember hed Talc is not a possible solution phase because of endmember ta olivine is not a possible solution phase because of endmember fa dolomite is not a possible solution phase because of endmember fdol spinel is not a possible solution phase because of endmember herc gralpy is not a possible solution phase because of endmember alm gralpy1 is not a possible solution phase because of endmember alm tr-ed is not a possible solution phase because of endmember ed mgal-amph is not a possible solution phase because of endmember hb chloritoid is not a possible solution phase because of endmember mctd mg-fe-hb is not a possible solution phase because of endmember fhb Select phases from the following list, enter the names one at a time and left justified, ENTER A BLANK WHEN YOU ARE DONE. Fluid Fluid Calculate high variance phase fields (Y/N)? n Enter a one-line title for your calculation: Fig 8, of Connolly and Trommsdorff (1991). ostrich{jamie}75: vertex Enter the name of the computational option file (i.e. the file created with BUILD) < 15 characters, left justified: in8.dat Reading thermodynamic data from file: b89ver.dat Writing print output to file: print8.out Writing plot output to file: plot8.out Reading solution models from file: solut.dat Initial number of divariant assemblages to be tested is: 94 Testing initial assemblage 1, 0 new assemblages identified finished with equilibrium ( 1) q = bq Testing initial assemblage 2, 1 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 3, 2 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 4, 3 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 5, 4 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 6, 5 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 7, 6 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 8, 7 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 9, 8 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 10, 9 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 11, 10 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 12, 11 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 13, 12 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 14, 14 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 15, 16 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 16, 18 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 17, 20 new assemblages identified Testing initial assemblage 18, 24 new assemblages identified finished with equilibrium ( 2) q m(t&c) = Fluid(CO2) en finished with equilibrium ( 3) q tc m(t&c) = en Fluid(CO977) finished with equilibrium ( 4) q tc m(t&c) = en Fluid(CO956) finished with equilibrium ( 5) q tc m(t&c) = en Fluid(CO924) finished with equilibrium ( 6) q tc m(t&c) = en Fluid(CO877) finished with equilibrium ( 7) q tc m(t&c) = en Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 8) m(t&c) tr = en tc do finished with equilibrium ( 7) q tc m(t&c) = en Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 9) q tc do = en tr Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 10) q m(t&c) tr = en Fluid(CO812) do finished with equilibrium ( 11) q tc do = m(t&c) tr Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 12) q m(t&c) tr = en do Fluid(CO877) finished with equilibrium ( 13) q tc do = m(t&c) tr Fluid(CO877) finished with equilibrium ( 14) q m(t&c) tr = en do Fluid(CO924) finished with equilibrium ( 15) q tc do = m(t&c) tr Fluid(CO924) finished with equilibrium ( 16) q m(t&c) tr = en do Fluid(CO956) finished with equilibrium ( 17) q tc do = m(t&c) tr Fluid(CO956) finished with equilibrium ( 18) q m(t&c) tr = en do Fluid(CO977) finished with equilibrium ( 19) q tc do = m(t&c) tr Fluid(CO977) finished with equilibrium ( 20) q m(t&c) tr = en do Fluid(CO991) Testing initial assemblage 37, 74 new assemblages identified finished with equilibrium ( 21) en tc m(t&c) = fo Fluid(CO877) finished with equilibrium ( 22) tc m(t&c) = en fo Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 8) m(t&c) tr = en tc do finished with equilibrium ( 22) tc m(t&c) = en fo Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 23) en tc do = fo tr Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 24) m(t&c) tr = en fo Fluid(CO812) do finished with equilibrium ( 8) m(t&c) tr = en tc do finished with equilibrium ( 25) tc m(t&c) do = fo tr Fluid(CO812) finished with equilibrium ( 26) tc m(t&c) = en fo Fluid(CO724) finished with equilibrium ( 27) en tc do = fo tr Fluid(CO724) finished with equilibrium ( 28) m(t&c) tr = en fo do Fluid(CO877) . abridged output . ostrich{jamie}75: psvdraw Enter plot file name: plot8.out PostScript will be written to file: plot8.out.ps Do you want to modify the default plot (y/n)? ostrich{jamie}76: pageview plot8.out.ps