1d Fractionation Output File Format This file documents the format of fractionation files output for 1d phase fractionation calculations by the 6.7.3+ version of Perple_X. "fractionated_bulk.dat" For 1d phase fractionation calculations VERTEX generates a file named "fractionated_bulk.dat" that contains the molar mass of the components present in the system, after the masses of the fractionated phases have been removed from the system, at each physical condition along the fractionation path. Each row indicates 1) The values of all five standard Perple_X variables (pressure, temperature, saturated phase composition, and two chemical potentials/fugacities/activities; typically the latter three variables are not defined for phase fractionation calculations). 2) the molar amounts of the systems components in the same order that they are entered in the problem definition file. "fractionated_phase_name.dat" In addition to "fractionated_bulk.dat", VERTEX writes files that contains the molar mass of the components removed from the system by each fractionating phase, at each physical condition along the fractionation path. For example, if you indicate that garnet and plagioclase, represented by the solution models Gt(HP) and Pl(h), should be fractionated, the amounts of these phases will be written to files named "Gt(HP).dat" and "Pl(h).dat". In these files, each row indicates: 1) The values of all five standard Perple_X variables (pressure, temperature, saturated phase composition, and two chemical potentials/fugacities/activities; typically the latter three variables are not defined for phase fractionation calculations). 2) The molar amount of the fractionated phase. 3) The molar amounts of the systems components removed by fractionation of the relevant phase. The amounts are entered in the same order as in problem definition file. If these amounts are divided by the molar amount of the phase, then the result is the molar composition of the fractionated phase. If the fractionated phase is not stable or optimization fails at a physical condition along the fractionation path, then the amounts of the fractionated phase and system components in 2) and 3) are assigned the bad_number value specified in perplex_option.dat (www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_options_body.html#bad_number).