In mode #4 WERAMI computes properties along an arbitrary X-Y path through a two dimensional section. The path coordinates are read from a file and may be specified as a list of X-Y points (one pair per line), or as a polynomial V(U). The file format for the path data with the latter option are: LINE 1: VMIN VMAX IXY LINE 2: UMIN UMAX DU C0 C1 C2 C3 LINE 3-N: To specify multiple paths, LINE 2 may be repreated as many times as desired. Where IXY - determines the association of the polynomial variables (U,V) with the sectioning variables (X,Y), if IXY = 0, then U->X and V->Y, otherwise U->Y, V->X. VMIN,VMAX - the range of V over which the polynomial is valid, if a computed value of V exceeds these limits (or the that of the corresponding X-Y variable), WERAMI assumes that it has reached the end of the path. To assure that WERAMI calculates the path over the entire range of X-Y conditions, specify values for VMIN and VMAX that are beyond the limits of the corresponding X-Y section variable. UMIN,UMAX,DU - UMIN and UMAX are the minimum and maximum values of U along the path and DU is its increment. If DU > 0, the path is calculated from UMIN to UMAX, otherwise the path is calculated from UMAX to UMIN. If a value of U exceeds the limit WERAMI assumes that it has reached the end of the path. To assure that WERAMI calculates the path over the entire range of X-Y conditions, specify values for VMIN and VMAX that are beyond the limits of the corresponding X-Y section variable. C0,C1,C2,C3 - are the coefficients in the polynomial: V = C0 + C1*U + C2*U**2 + C3*U**3