0) This file lists the instructions on how to complete and test your Perple_X "installation" after you have completed the operating system specific instructions listed in one of the following files: www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/ibm_and_mac_archives/README_WIN_USERS.txt www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/ibm_and_mac_archives/README_OSX_USERS.txt www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/ibm_and_mac_archives/README_LINUX_USERS.txt 1) "Installation" is a big word for the process the above instructions describe, which consists of simply copying some command-line executable programs and input files to a common directory, aka, your "Perple_X" directory/folder, etc. If you are knowledgeable about computers you can, of course, make your Perple_X directory less cluttered by putting the programs elsewhere and setting a system path variable to that location. Likewise, you can put the data files in a sub-directory and address them by specifying the appropriate path. 2) Perple_X plotting programs generate Encapsulated PostScript that can be viewed and edited in most commercial graphics programs. Ghostview is an efficient, free, viewing program. To install/use Ghostview see: www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/ibm_and_mac_archives/README_GHOSTVIEW.txt 3) To use MATLAB to process Perple_X output, see: www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/ibm_and_mac_archives/README_PERPLE_X_MATLAB_SCRIPTS.txt 4) PyWERAMI is a free alternative to MATLAB for processing Perple_X output. To use PyWERAMI see: www.anaconda.org/ondrolexa/pywerami 5) There is a discussion group at https://groups.io/g/PerpleX dedicated to problems and questions related to Perple_X. 6) To test your installation open a console (aka shell or terminal) window, change directory to your Perple_X directory then: a) type "build" and press enter 3 times, if the output is: Perple_X version 6.8.6, source updated Feb 3, 2019. Copyright (C) 1986-2019 James A D Connolly . NO is the default (blank) answer to all Y/N prompts Enter a name for this project (the name will be used as the root for all output file names) [default = my_project]: The problem definition file will be named: my_project.dat Enter thermodynamic data file name [default = hp02ver.dat]: Enter the computational option file name [default = perplex_option.dat]: See: www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_options.html Reading Perple_X options from: perplex_option.dat The current data base components are: NA2O MGO AL2O3 SIO2 K2O CAO TIO2 MNO FEO NIO ZRO2 CL2 O2 H2O CO2 Transform them (Y/N)? then everything is ok. Terminate the program by typing ctrl-C. If this test fails on OSX/Linux/Unix machines, a probable cause is a DOS to Unix file format conversion problem, for help with the conversion refer to README_UNIX_USERS.txt. If this test fails on a WINDOWS machine, then repeat step 3. b) Type "vertex" and enter "jn7" when prompted for a project name. vertex should complete the calculation in a few seconds. If vertex does not start or you get a system error message then see www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/special/Increase_page_file_size_in_windows.txt. If vertex writes a warning message that there is no problem definiton file named jn7.dat, then copy the file jn7.dat from www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex/examples. c) To test that you can read Perple_X PostScript, type "pssect" and enter "jn7" in response to the project name prompt. pssect will create a PostScript file named "jn7.ps" that you can open in Ghostview (step 1 above), CorelDraw, Illustrator, and other graphical editors. The most common problem with Perple_X PostScript is that the default font is not recognized and, consequently, text characters are not displayed. To correct this problem change the font specified in perplex_plot_options.dat (www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_plot_options.html) to a font recognized by your graphical editor. 7) If you have no idea how to run Perple_X and your interest is the calculation a phase diagram section, or extracting physicochemical properties from such a section, then following the worked problem at www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_66_seismic_velocity.html is probably the fastest route to getting results. For more comprehensive tutorials (and a list of Perple_X documentation, such as it is) refer to www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_documentation.html#EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION