C:\jamie\Perple_X>build Perple_X version 6.7.2, source updated March 17, 2016. NO is the default (blank) answer to all Y/N prompts Enter a name for this project (the name will be used as the root for all output file names) [default = my_project]: serptx The problem definition file will be named: serptx.dat Enter thermodynamic data file name [default = hp02ver.dat]: ctransf.dat Enter the computational option file name [default = perplex_option.dat]: See: www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_options.html Reading computational options from: perplex_option.dat The current data base components are: NA2O MGO AL2O3 SIO2 K2O CAO TIO2 MNO FE NIO ZRO2 CL2 C H2 O2 Transform them (Y/N)? Calculations with a saturated FLUID (Y/N)? Calculations with saturated components (Y/N)? y **warning ver015** if you select > 1 saturated component, then the order you enter the components determines the saturation heirarchy and may effect your results (see Connolly 1990). Select < 6 saturated components from the set: NA2O MGO AL2O3 SIO2 K2O CAO TIO2 MNO FE NIO ZRO2 CL2 C H2 O2 Enter names, 1 per line, press to finish: C Use chemical potentials, activities or fugacities as independent variables (Y/N)? Select thermodynamic components from the set: NA2O MGO AL2O3 SIO2 K2O CAO TIO2 MNO FE NIO ZRO2 CL2 H2 O2 Enter names, 1 per line, press to finish: MGO AL2O3 SIO2 CAO FE O2 H2 **warning ver016** you are going to treat a saturated (fluid) phase component as a thermodynamic component, this may not be what you want to do. **warning ver016** you are going to treat a saturated (fluid) phase component as a thermodynamic component, this may not be what you want to do. Select fluid equation of state: 0 - X(CO2) Modified Redlich-Kwong (MRK/DeSantis/Holloway) 1 - X(CO2) Kerrick & Jacobs 1981 (HSMRK) 2 - X(CO2) Hybrid MRK/HSMRK 3 - X(CO2) Saxena & Fei 1987 pseudo-virial expansion 4 - Bottinga & Richet 1981 (CO2 RK) 5 - X(CO2) Holland & Powell 1991, 1998 (CORK) 6 - X(CO2) Hybrid Haar et al 1979/CORK (TRKMRK) 7 - f(O2/CO2)-f(S2) Graphite buffered COHS MRK fluid 8 - f(O2/CO2)-f(S2) Graphite buffered COHS hybrid-EoS fluid 10 - X(O) GCOH-fluid hybrid-EoS Connolly & Cesare 1993 11 - X(O) GCOH-fluid MRK Connolly & Cesare 1993 12 - X(O)-f(S2) GCOHS-fluid hybrid-EoS Connolly & Cesare 1993 13 - X(H2) H2-H2O hybrid-EoS 14 - X(CO2) Pitzer & Sterner 1994; Holland & Powell mixing 2003 15 - X(H2) low T H2-H2O hybrid-EoS 16 - X(O) H-O HSMRK/MRK hybrid-EoS 17 - X(O)-f(S2) H-O-S HSMRK/MRK hybrid-EoS 18 - X(CO2) Delany/HSMRK/MRK hybrid-EoS, for P > 10 kb 19 - X(O)-X(S) COHS hybrid-EoS Connolly & Cesare 1993 20 - X(O)-X(C) COHS hybrid-EoS Connolly & Cesare 1993 21 - X(CO2) Halbach & Chatterjee 1982, P > 10 kb, hybrid-Eos 22 - X(CO2) DHCORK, hybrid-Eos 23 - Toop-Samis Silicate Melt 24 - f(O2/CO2)-N/C Graphite saturated COHN MRK fluid 25 - H2O-CO2-NaCl Aranovich et al. 2010 26 - O-Si Silicate fluid RK EoS 27 - C-O-H hybrid EoS 10 Compute f(H2) & f(O2) as the dependent fugacities (do not unless you project through carbon) (Y/N)? y Reduce graphite activity (Y/N)? Specify computational mode: 1 - Convex-Hull minimization 2 - Constrained minimization on a 2d grid [default] 3 - Constrained minimization on a 1d grid 4 - Output pseudocompound data 5 - Phase fractionation calculations Use Convex-Hull minimization for Schreinemakers projections or phase diagrams with > 2 independent variables. Use constrained minimization for phase diagrams or phase diagram sections with < 3 independent variables. 2 The data base has P(bar) and T(K) as default independent potentials. Make one dependent on the other, e.g., as along a geothermal gradient (y/n)? Select x-axis variable: 1 - P(bar) 2 - T(K) 3 - Composition X(C1)* (user defined) *X(C1) can not be selected as the y-axis variable 3 Select y-axis variable: 1 - P(bar) 2 - T(K) 3 - Composition X(C2) (user defined) 2 Enter minimum and maximum values, respectively, for: T(K) 573 973 Specify sectioning value for: P(bar) 2000 For gridded minimization, grid resolution is determined by the number of levels (grid_levels) and the resolution at the lowest level in the X- and Y-directions (x_nodes and y_nodes) these parameters are currently set for the exploratory and autorefine cycles as follows: stage grid_levels xnodes ynodes effective resolution exploratory 1 40 40 40 x 40 nodes auto-refine 4 60 60 473 x 473 nodes To change these options edit or create the file perplex_option.dat See: www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_options.html#grid_parameters All thermodynamic components must be constrained, constrain saturated components also (Y/N)? Specify component amounts by weight (Y/N)? The bulk composition of the system will be computed as: C = C0*(1-X(C1)) + C1*X(C1) where X(C1) varies between 0 and 1, and C0 and C1 are the compositions specified next. To compute bulk compositions as: C = C0 + C1*X(C1) change the computational option keyword closed_c_space. Enter molar amounts of the components: MGO AL2O3 SIO2 CAO FE O2 H2 to define the composition C0 0.9896 0.0142 0.6707 0.0214 0.0913 0 100 Enter molar amounts of the components: MGO AL2O3 SIO2 CAO FE O2 H2 to define the composition C1 0.9896 0.0142 0.6707 0.0214 0.0913 50 0 Output a print file (Y/N)? y Summary of valid make definitions: MGO AL2O3 SIO2 CAO FE H2 O2 fbr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 fchum 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 9.00 1.00 5.00 fphA 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 7.00 3.00 5.00 fper 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.50 fatg 0.00 0.00 34.00 0.00 48.00 31.00 39.50 atgts 44.00 4.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 31.00 15.50 sil8L 0.00 1.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 fo8L 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 fa8L 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 q8L 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ts_dqf 3.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 ged_dqf 5.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 fanth_dq 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 ged_dqf2 5.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 ocar 0.00 0.50 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 octd 0.00 0.75 1.00 0.00 1.50 1.00 1.38 ma_dqf 0.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 kho 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.50 mots 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.75 esn 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.75 **warning ver013** Si has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** SiC has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** Si-BCC has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** Si-FCC has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** Si_LIQ has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** fesi has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** Si-diam has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** SiC-BCC has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** SiC-FCC has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** SiC-lac has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** Si-CBCC has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** Si-HCP has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. **warning ver013** SiC-HCP has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space. Exclude pure and/or endmember phases (Y/N)? EXCLUDE CO, CH4, H2O, CO2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and any other garbage (ty, rnk, etc). Include solution models (Y/N)? y Enter the solution model file name [default = solution_model.dat]: **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Bio(TCC) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Bio(WPH) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for CrOpx(HP) crts fcrts_d **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for CrGt uv_d fuv_d knor **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(MPF) uv_d fuv_d knor **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for oAmph(DP) mpa fpa ogl_dqf fgl omrb_dqf frb **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Omph(GHP) jd acm **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for cAmph(DP) parg_dqf fparg gl_dqf fgl mrb frb **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Chl(HP) mame_i mafchl_i mnchl **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for melt(HP) abL kspL zr8L **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for pMELTS(G) kalGL nasGL tiGL **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for mMELTS(G) crGL tiGL **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for MELTS(GS) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Pheng(HP) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Sapp(KWP) spr5 fsp5_i **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Osm(HP) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for GaHcSp gah **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for F(salt) hltL **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Scap The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for St(HP) mnst **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Ctd(HP) mnctd **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for hCrd mncrd hmncrd_i **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for A The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Gl The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for GlTrTsPg parg fparg_i gl fgl_i **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Amph(DHP) parg fparg_i gl fgl_i mfets ffets_i **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Amph(DPW) parg fparg_i gl fgl_i mfets ffets_i **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for feldspar The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for feldspar_B The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Pl(h) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Kf The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for San The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for San(TH) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for MaPa The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Mica(CF) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Mica(CHA1) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Mica(CHA) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Mica+(CHA) mu pa cel tip fcel **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for O(HP) teph **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Cpx(l) jd **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Cpx(h) jd **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for M(HP) rhc **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Mt(W) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for IlHm(A) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for IlGkPy The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for MtUl(A) usp **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Neph(FB) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(B) spss **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(GCT) spss **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(HP) spss **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(WPH) spss fmn_i **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for casmelt The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Toop-Melt The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for OrFsp(C1) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for AbFsp(C1) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Pl(I1,HP) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Fsp(C1) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for oCcM(HP) odo **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Tour(V) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for DoDo The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Wus(fab) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Aki(fab) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Pv(fab) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Ppv(og) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Wad(stx) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Ring(stx) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(stx) maj **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for C2/c(stx) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Cpx(stx) mdi **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Cpx(stx7) mdi **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Omph(HP) jd acm **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Cpx(HP) ccrts jd acm **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for CrSp mcrm fcrm_d **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Eskol(C) esk **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Ca-Amph(D) parg fparg_i mfets ffets_i **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Na-Amph(D) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Wus(stx7) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Aki(stx7) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Pv(stx7) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Wad(stx7) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Ring(stx7) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Sp(WPC) usp **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Ilm(WPH) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Pl(stx8) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Wad(stx8) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Ring(stx8) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Opx(stx8) odi **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Cpx(stx8) jd mdi cts **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Aki(stx8) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(stx8) maj jmaj **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Ppv(stx8) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for CF(stx8) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Act(M) gl mrie **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Stlp(M) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Mica(M) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Carp(M) mnca **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for GlTrTsMr mrie fmrie_i gl fgl_i **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Carb(M) rhc **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Bio(HP) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Mica(SGH) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Ctd(SGH) mnctd **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Carp(SGH) mncar **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Gt(WPPH) spss fmn_i **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for cAmph(DP2) parg_dqf fparg gl_dqf fgl mrb frb **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for oAmph(DP2) mpa2 fpa ogl_dqf fgl omrb_dqf frb **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Omph(GHP2) jd acm **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for FeSi(BCC) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for FeSi(fcc) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for oFeSi(bcc) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for FeSi_liq The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for ZrRu The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for ZrGt(KP) zrg **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Si-Fluid The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Maj maj **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Wad The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Ring The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Aki The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for Pv The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for FeSiC_liq Si_LIQ **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Sapp(TP) spr5 fsp5_d ospr fospr_d **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for oCcM(EF) odo oank **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Opx(W) mnots mots1 feots modi odi fodi mnts mnopx **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for Chl(W) ff3cli f3clin **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Si-vapor The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for CCO-vapor xMgO(g) xMg(g) xFeO(g) xFe(g) **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for ideal_gas The solution will not be considered. **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for FeSiC-BCC Si-BCC SiC-BCC **warning ver114** the following endmembers are missing for FeSiC-FCC Si-FCC SiC-FCC **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for Per(SS) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for FeCr(liq) The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for FeCr-FCC The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 1 endmembers for FeCr-BCC The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for FeCr-s The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for FeCliq The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for FeCfcc The solution will not be considered. **warning ver025** 0 endmembers for FeCbcc The solution will not be considered. Select models from the following list, enter 1 per line, press to finish orthopyroxene models: Opx(HP) Opx(HP11) CrOpx(HP) Opx(stx) Opx(stx8) Opx(W) garnet models: CrGt Gt(MPF) Gt(B) Gt(GCT) Gt(HP) Gt(EWHP) Gt(WPH) Gt(stx) Gt(stx8) Gt(WPPH) ZrGt(KP) Maj orthoamphibole models: oAmph(DP) Anth o-Amph oAmph(DP2) clinopyroxene models: Omph(GHP) Cpx(l) Cpx(h) Cpx(stx) Cpx(stx7) Omph(HP) Cpx(HP) Cpx(m) Cpx(stx8) Omph(GHP2) clinoamphibole models: cAmph(DP) Cumm Tr GlTrTsPg Amph(DHP) Amph(DPW) Ca-Amph(D) Act(M) GlTrTsMr cAmph(DP2) chlorite models: Chl(HP) Chl(LWV) Chl(W) olivine models: O(SG) O(HP) Mont O(stx) O(stx7) Ol(m) O(stx8) liquid models: melt(HP) pMELTS(G) mMELTS(G) FeSiC_liq LIQ(NK) LIQ(EF) epidote models: Ep(HP) sapphirine models: Sapp(HP) Sapp(KWP) Sapp(TP) spinel models: GaHcSp MF Sp(JR) Sp(GS) Sp(HP) MtUl(A) Sp(stx) CrSp Sp(stx7) Sp(WPC) Sp(stx8) fluid models: F F(salt) GCOHF COHF talc models: T staurolite models: St(HP) chloritoid models: Ctd(HP) Ctd(SGH) carpholite models: Carp Carp(M) Carp(SGH) cordierite models: hCrd sudoite models: Sud(Livi) Sud Sud(M) white-mica models: Mica+(CHA) carbonate models: Do(HP) M(HP) Do(AE) Cc(AE) oCcM(HP) Carb(M) oCcM(EF) dis(EF) alphabet-phase models: A-phase clinohumite models: Chum serpentine models: Atg(PN) brucite models: B ilmenite models: Eskol(C) pumpellyite models: Pu(M) wuestite models: Wus gas models: CCO-vapor alloy models: FeSiC-BCC FeSiC-FCC For details on these models see:www.perplex.ethz.ch/perplex_solution_model_glossary.html or read the commentary in the solution model file. Atg(PN) Chum Do(HP) M(HP) B Wus FeSiC-BCC GCOHF Anth Tr Opx(HP) O(HP) Chl(HP) Omph(HP) T Sp(HP)