Perple_X Adiabatic Crystallization


NOTE: the procedure outlined here to define an adiabat is tedious, an efficient method is outlined at: extraction of properties along a contour.



Computational setup: Build
Computation: Vertex
Using WERAMI/PSCONTOR to Extract Adiabatic Modes
Figure 1. Final phase relations and adiabatic modes
Figure 2. Phase relations as output by PSVDRAW
Figure 3. Entropy surface and the 2565 J/kg adiabat
Figure 4. Adiabatic modes as output by PSVDRAW




This tutorial illustrates the calculation of mineral and melt proportions during isentropic decompression by gridded minimization. The calculation is for an ultramafic bulk composition using the pMELTS model of Ghiroso et al (2002) with all remaining data from Holland & Powell (1998). The calculation is Perple_X example 20 and is briefly discussed in Connolly (2004?). The calculation consists of the following steps:

Calculation of a pressure-temperature pseudosection using BUILD and VERTEX (Figure 1a,2).


Extraction of the isentropic path using PSCONTOR.


Extraction of modes along the isentrope from the pseudosection data using WERAMI.


Plotting the modes with PT2CURV/PSVDRAW (Figure 1b,4).

The pseudosection calculation required for this example is a minor variation on the “pseudosection” calculations described in detail in the seismic velocity and ptx pseudosection tutorials. Novice users should refer to these tutorials for more complete explanation of the various prompts and methods. This tutorial focuses on extraction of the isentropic path (with PSCONTOR) and its use to determine mineral and melt modes during isentropic decompression (with WERAMI, mode 4).


oink! oink! a p-t-x melt pseudosection

Figure 1. Melting phase relations for a simplified version of the LOSIMAG bulk mantle composition (molar composition: 0.707 SiO2, 0.037 Al2O3, 0.0971 FeO, 0.867 MgO, 0.053 CaO, 0.005 Na2O, 0.001 K2O) as a function of pressure and temperature (a). Heavy red curves depict isentropic decompression paths, labeled by entropy (J/kg), as recovered from the calculation. Olivine is stable in all phase fields. (b) Mineral and melt modes as a function of pressure along the 2565 J/kg isentrope. Absence of a spinel stability field reflects absence of Cr from the chemical model. Likewise the stability of trace amounts of sanidine (Fsp) at high pressure is an artifact of the absence of a model for K-solution in the remaining subsolidus silicates. Phase compositions where discretized with an accuracy of better than 0.03 mol% (generating 852261 pseudocompounds) on a 3-level grid with 40x40 nodes at the lowest level (157x157 nodes at the highest level).

In the following sections the prompts from Perple_X programs are written in normal font; user responses are bold font; and interspersed explanatory comments are in red. Additional explanation on some prompts is available via the (help) links.


Running BUILD


The user/BUILD dialog that defines the calculation is reproduced with below, for more complete explanatory commentary refer to earlier tutorials:

C\jamie\Berple_X> build

NO is the default ([cr]) answer to all Y/N prompts (help)

Enter name of computational option file to be created, < 100 characters, left justified [default = in]: (help)


A copy of this file is at in20.dat

Enter thermodynamic data file name, left justified, [default = hp02ver.dat]: (help)


The current data base components are:

 NA2O  MGO   AL2O3 SIO2  K2O   CAO   TIO2  MNO   FEO   NIO 
 O2    H2O   CO2

Transform them (Y/N)? (help)


Calculations with a saturated phase (Y/N)? (help)

The phase is: FLUID

Its compositional variable is: Y(CO2), X(O), etc.


Calculations with saturated components (Y/N)? (help)
Use chemical potentials, activities or fugacities as independent variables (Y/N)? (help)
Select thermodynamic components from the set: (help)
 NA2O  MGO   AL2O3 SIO2  K2O   CAO   TIO2  MNO   FEO   NIO   
 O2    H2O   CO2
Enter names, left justified, 1 per line, <cr> to finish:



The data base has P(bar) and T(K) as default independent potentials. Make one dependent on the other, e.g., as along a geothermal gradient (y/n)? (help)


Specify computational mode:

   1 - Unconstrained minimization [default]

   2 - Constrained minimization on a grid

   3 - Output pseudocompound data

   4 - Phase fractionation calculations


Unconstrained optimization should be used for the calculation of composition, mixed variable, and Schreinemakers diagrams, it may also be used for the calculation of phase diagram sections for a fixed bulk composition. Gridded minimization can be used to construct phase diagram sections for both fixed and variable bulk composition. Gridded minimization is preferable for the recovery of phase and bulk properties.




Select x-axis variable: (help)
   1 - P(bar)
   2 - T(K)
   3 - Composition X(C1)* (user defined)
*X(C1) can not be selected as the y-axis variable

Enter minimum and maximum values, respectively, for: T(K)

1573 1673

Select y-axis variable:
   2 - P(bar)

This prompt is unfortunate, BUILD should "know" that the user has no choice but to put pressure on the y-axis.

Enter minimum and maximum values, respectively, for: P(bar)
5000 25000


In this mode VERTEX uses a multilevel grid to define true phase boundaries or pseudocompound assemblage boundaries, mode 1 is the most efficient, modes 2-4 should be selected if physicochemical properties are to be retrieved from the section.


Select grid refinement mode: (help)

     1 - Refine only true phase boundaries, compression on.

     2 - Refine only true phase boundaries, compression off [default].

     3 - Refine all phase boundaries, compression on.

     4 - Refine all phase boundaries, compression off.


Choosing mode 2 as done here represents a good general compromise between the efficiency and accuracy of the gridded minimization strategy. See the help prompt for more details.

The resolution of the grid is determined by the number of levels (JLEV) and the resolution at the lowest level in the X- and Y-directions (ILOW and JLOW, respectively), such that the maximum resolution is equivalent to that obtained on a single level grid with 1+(ILOW-1)*2^(JLEV-1) nodes in the X-direction and 1+(JLOW-1)*2^(JLEV-1) nodes in the Y-direction. To force VERTEX to use a single level grid, set JLEV=1.

Enter the number of nodes (ILOW) in the X-direction for the lowest resolution grid (0<ILOW<2048) [default = 40]: (help)


Enter the number of nodes (JLOW) in the Y-direction for the lowest resolution grid (1<JLOW<2048) [default = 40]: (help)


These choices will result in a relatively rough plot.

Enter the number of levels (JLEV) for the grid (0<JLEV<10) [default = 4]: (help)


These parameters define a multilevel grid equivalent to a regular X-Y grid with 195 x 195 nodes, change the parameters (y/n)?


Specify component amounts by weight (Y/N)?


Enter weight amounts of the components: (help)

 SIO2  AL2O3 FEO   MGO   CAO   K2O   NA2O

for the bulk composition of interest:
45.96 4.06 7.54 37.78 3.21 0.332 0.032

Do you want a print file (Y/N)?


Enter the plot file name, < 100 characters, left justified [default = pl]: (help)



**warning ver013** phase femg-1 has null or negative composition and will be rejected from the composition space.


Exclude phases (Y/N)? (help)


Do you want to be prompted for phases (Y/N)?
Enter phases, left justified, one per line, [cr] to finish:


Do you want to treat solution phases (Y/N)?


Enter solution model file name [default = newest_format_solut.dat] left justified, < 100 characters: (help)

The above file was created by iteratively refining the compositional ranges specified for the solution models (which were also renamed) as discussed in the p-t-x pseudosection tutorial. This modified file can be copied from the link problem20_solut.dat. If you use the default solution model file, newest_format_solut.dat your results will differ from those obtained here. Do not use problem20_solut.dat for calculations outside of the P-T-X range specified here. The solution models listed below are, respectively, the pMELT melt model (Ghirso et al); clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, garnet, spinel (all from Holland and Powell); and ternary feldspar (Fuhrman and Lindsley). Refer to the solution model glossary, or read the commentary within the solution model file itself, for more information about the solution models.

Select phases from the following list, enter 1 per line, left justified, [cr] to finish: (help)

  pmelt      cpx         opx         o           gt         sp









The solution model file defines the following dependent endmembers:


Exclude any of these endmembers (y/n)? Answer no if you do not understand this prompt.


Enter calculation title:

test 20


Running VERTEX


C\jamie\Berple_X> vertex

Enter computational option file name (i.e. the file created with BUILD), left justified:


Reading thermodynamic data from file: hp02ver.dat
Writing print output to file: none requested
Writing plot output to file: plot20
Writing pseudocompound glossary to file: pseudocompound_glossary.dat

Reading solution models from file: problem20_solut.dat

Writing bulk composition plot output to file: bplot20

VERTEX creates an additional file named by adding a prefix "b" to the plot file name "plot20", this file, "bplot20", is needed by both PSVDRAW and WERAMI and should not be deleted or moved independently of the primary plot file. The polygon file mentioned below ("pplot20") is not used for this type of calculation.

Generating pseudocompounds, this may take a while...

... output abridged ...

Done generating pseudocompounds (total: 852261)

Because of the large number of pseudocompounds generated for the melt phase this calculation requires the "large parameter" version of VERTEX.

  1.3% done with low level grid.

  3.8% done with low level grid.

... output abridged ..

 94.9% done with low level grid.

 97.5% done with low level grid.

100.0% done with low level grid.

Beginning grid refinement stage.

   168 grid cells to be refined at grid level 2

       refinement at level 2 involved    385 minimizations

  1010 minimizations required of the theoretical limit of 2401

   348 grid cells to be refined at grid level 3

       ...working (   116 minimizations done)

       ...working (   617 minimizations done)

       refinement at level 3 involved 710 minimizations

  1720 minimizations required of the theoretical limit of 9409

   667 grid cells to be refined at grid level 4

       ...working (   409 minimizations done)

       ...working (   910 minimizations done)

       refinement at level 4 involved 1265 minimizations

  2985 minimizations required of the theoretical limit of  37636

If you run this example with the input files created here, you should go for a coffee break after starting VERTEX. The calculation takes about 5 hours on a 1.5 GHz PC running XP.





PSVDRAW converts the numeric data in the plot file "plot20" to PostScript graphics in the file; this file can be viewed in standard PostScript viewers (e.g., GhostView) or edited in most modern graphical editors (e.g., CorelDraw or Illustrator).

C\jamie\Berple_X> psvdraw

Enter the Perple_X plot file name: plot20

PostScript will be written to file:

Modify the default plot (y/n)?

The postscript output is plotted below (Figure 2).



Figure 2. Computed phase relations as output by PSVDRAW.


Using WERAMI to check and refine a pseudocompound model


The compositional limits and resolution for the pmelt model in problem20_solut.dat were refined prior to the calculation illustrated here. Iterative refinement of solution models is an important aspect of using Perple_X and is discussed in the p-t-x pseudosection tutorial.



Using WERAMI/PSCONTOR to Extract Adiabatic Modes


To extract the adiabat (isentrope) the user first runs WERAMI to create a P-T-entropy surface:


C\jamie\Berple_X> werami
Enter the VERTEX plot file name:
Select operational mode:
    1 - compute properties at specified conditions
    2 - create a property grid (plot with pscontor)
    3 - compute properties along a curve or line (plot with pspts)
    4 - as in 3, but input from file
Select a property:
    1 - Specific Enthalpy (J/m3)
    2 - Density (kg/m3)
... output abridged...
   17 - Entropy (J/K/kg)
   18 - Enthalpy (J/kg)
   19 - Heat Capacity (J/K/kg)
   20 - Specific mass of a phase (kg/m3-solid)
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Change default variable range (y/n)?
Enter number of nodes in and x and y directions: (help)
50 50
Writing grid data to file: cplot20
Range of >0 data is: 2487.57 -> 2702.21
Evaluate additional properties (y/n)?

The preceding dialog generates a new plot/data file cplot20 that defines entropy as a function of pressure and temperature. This data can be plotted using the Perple_X program PSCONTOR or MatLab as illustrated in the seismic velocity tutorial. The dialog below demonstrates the use of PSCONTOR to recover a the pressure-temperature coordinates of a single contour (specifically the 2565 J/kg isentrope, Figure 1) [this entire procedure is much simpler in MatLab]:

C\jamie\Berple_X> pscontor
Enter the CONTOUR plot file name:
PostScript will be written to file:
Reset plot limits (y/n)?
Modify default drafting options (y/n)?
  answer yes to modify:
   - picture transformation
   - x-y plotting limits
   - relative lengths of axes
   - text label font size
   - line thickness
   - curve smoothing
   - axes labeling and gridding
Contoured variable range   2487.569  ->  2702.211
Modify default contour interval (y/n)?
Enter min, max and interval for contours:
2565 2565 1
Echo contour data to file contor.dat (Y/N)?


Figure 3. Entropy (J/kg) as a function of pressure and temperature as obtained by WERAMI and plotted in MatLab. The yellow curve shows the 2565 J/kg isentrope as defined in revised_contor.dat, because of interpolation error the contour makes small excursions from the entropy surface.


The file "contor.dat" defines the contour in a series of segments that generally are not sequential and are separated by text. To process this data so that it can be used as input for subsequent calculations import it into a spread-sheet program (such as Excel) and sort it first to eliminate the text, and second to order the coordinates along the contour. Note that the coordinates must be sorted by pressure, because temperature does not decrease continuously along the 2565 J/kg isentrope (Figure 1) and that temperature (X) and pressure (Y) must be in the first column of the revised file. The file created by such processing has been named "revised_contor.dat". In principle revised_contor.dat could now be used as an input file in WERAMI to recover properties along the contour; however the highly irregular entropy surface (Figure 3) creates some difficulties that can be circumvented by refining the contour data. The difficulties arise because small interpolation errors associated with defining the contour can lead to a large error in the real value of the entropy if the entropy surface has large gradients (i.e., if you are on the face of a cliff a small variation in your horizontal position can have disastrous implications for your elevation). Such irregularities may be real, as for example the rapid increase in entropy associated with melting in the plagioclase lherzolite field; but smaller irregularities may also result because WERAMI does not interpolate (although it does extrapolate) between grid points. As a consequence there are steps between the representative areas associated with the grid nodes (these are not visible in Figure 3, but can be seen if a higher resolution grid, e.g., 400x400, is used to recover the entropy surface). To filter out contour coordinates that do not lie on the surface being contoured, it is wise to run WERAMI a second time to check the real value of the property along the contour does not differ from the nominal value the contour is intended to represent. The WERAMI dialog for this procedure is:


C\jamie\Berple_X> werami
Enter the VERTEX plot file name:
Select operational mode:
    1 - compute properties at specified conditions
    2 - create a property grid (plot with pscontor)
    3 - compute properties along a curve or line (plot with pspts)
    4 - as in 3, but input from file
Select a property:
    1 - Specific Enthalpy (J/m3)
    2 - Density (kg/m3)
... output abridged...
   17 - Entropy (J/K/kg)
   18 - Enthalpy (J/kg)
   19 - Heat Capacity (J/K/kg)
   20 - Specific mass of a phase (kg/m3-solid)
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Change default variable range (y/n)?
Calculate individual phase properties (y/n)?
Writing profile to file: cplot20
Path will be described by:
   1 - a file containing a polynomial function
   2 - a file containing a list of x-y points
Enter 1 or 2 (default=2):
Enter the file name:
File contains 1301 points, every nth plot will be plotted, enter n:
  1573.00      7318.19      2566.65
  1573.04      7319.18      2566.68
  1573.39      7334.50      2572.69
  1573.50      7336.94      2572.78
  ...output abridged...
  1668.98      24892.9      2565.00
  1668.99      24898.0      2565.00
  1668.99      24899.4      2565.00
  1668.99      24899.4      2565.00
  1668.99      24901.9      2565.00
  1669.09      24976.8      2565.00
  1669.13      24999.9      2565.00
Evaluate additional properties (y/n)?

The each row of the file cplot20 created by WERAMI now consists of a symbol code (that can be deleted), the X (temperature) coordinate, the entropy value, and the Y (pressure) coordinate. This file can in turn be imported into a spread-sheet program (e.g., Excel) and the rows sorted according to the entropy coordinate. Rows associated with entropy values that differ significantly from the nominal entropy of the contour (2565 J/kg) are then deleted, and the columns reordered so that temperature and pressure are, respectively, in the first and second columns, and the data sorted by the pressure coordinate. The file generated by such processing in this example is "final_contor.dat", and can be used to recover properties such as modal proportions along the contour as in the dialog below:


C\jamie\Berple_X> werami
Enter the VERTEX plot file name:
Select operational mode:
    1 - compute properties at specified conditions
    2 - create a property grid (plot with pscontor)
    3 - compute properties along a curve or line (plot with pspts)
    4 - as in 3, but input from file
Select a property:
    1 - Specific Enthalpy (J/m3)
    2 - Density (kg/m3)
    3 - Specific heat capacity (J/K/m3)
    4 - Expansivity (1/K, for volume)
    5 - Compressibility (1/bar, for volume)
    6 - Weight percent of a component
    7 - Mode (Vol %) of a compound or solution
    8 - Composition of a solution
    9 - Grueneisen thermal ratio
   10 - Adiabatic bulk modulus
   11 - Shear modulus (bar)
   12 - Sound velocity (km/s)
   13 - P-wave velocity (Vp, km/s)
   14 - S-wave velocity (Vs, km/s)
   15 - Vp/Vs
   16 - Specific Entropy (J/K/m3)
   17 - Entropy (J/K/kg)
   18 - Enthalpy (J/kg)
   19 - Heat Capacity (J/K/kg)
   20 - Specific mass of a phase (kg/m3-solid)
Enter solution or compound name (left justified):
Writing profile to file: cplot20
Path will be described by:
   1 - a file containing a polynomial function
   2 - a file containing a list of x-y points
Enter 1 or 2 (default=2):
Enter the file name:
File contains   686 points
every nth plot will be plotted, enter n:
  1573.00      7318.19      23.6281
  1573.04      7319.18      23.6280
  1595.89      8517.59      15.4643
  1595.67      8528.55      15.4637
  1597.62      8625.20      15.0290

... output abridged ... because the Perple_X plotting routines will not label the curves its worth noting the range of the mode (the third value here) to help you identify which curves correspond to which mineral.

  1668.99      24901.9     0.290100
  1669.09      24976.8     0.290031
  1669.13      24999.9     0.290010
Evaluate additional properties (y/n)?

... by answering yes here, the mode of the additional phases (i.e., o, opx, cpx, feldspar, gt) may be collected in the same file (cplot20).

The plot file cplot20 generated by the preceeding dialog can be plotted directly with the Perple_X program PSPTS. Alternatively (my preference), the data can be converted with the Perple_X program PT2CURV to a format that can be plotted with PSVDRAW:

C\jamie\Berple_X> pt2curv
in file?
out file?
C\jamie\Berple_X> psvdraw
Enter the Perple_X plot file name:
PostScript will be written to file:
Modify the default plot (y/n)?
Modify default drafting options (y/n)?
  answer yes to modify:
   - picture transformation
   - x-y plotting limits
   - relative lengths of axes
   - text label font size
   - line thickness
   - curve smoothing
   - axes labeling and gridding
Modify x-y limits (y/n)?
Modify default picture transformation (y/n)?
Modify ratio of x to y axis length (y/n)
Modify default text scaling (y/n)?
Use minimum width lines (y/n)?
Fit curves with B-splines (y/n)?
Restrict phase fields by variance (y/n)?
  answer yes to:
   - suppress pseudounivariant curves and/or pseudoinvariant points
Restrict phase fields by phase identities (y/n)?
  answer yes to:
   - show fields that contain a specific assemblage
   - show fields that do not contain specified phases
   - show fields that contain any of a set of specified phases
Modify default equilibrium labeling (y/n)?
  answer yes to:
   - modify/suppress [pseudo-] univariant curve labels
   - suppress [pseudo-] invariant point labels
End-of-file! if this is a VERTEX plot file then VERTEX terminated incorrectly
Modify default axes (y/n)?
Enter the starting value and interval for major tick marks on
the X-axis (the current values are: 0.732E+04 0.354E+04)
Enter the new values:
10000 5000
Enter the starting value and interval for major tick marks on
the Y-axis (the current values are:  0.00      13.3    )
Enter the new values:
0 10
Cancel half interval tick marks (y/n)?
Draw tenth interval tick marks (y/n)?
Rescale axes text (y/n)?
Turn gridding on (y/n)?
The resulting plot is shown below (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Modes along the 2565 J/kg adiabat as output by PSVDRAW (curve and axes relabeled and color added).